Category Archives: Build

Does ‘Cancel’ go before or after the ‘Save’ button in your app?

We received a question from a Product Owner asking ‘Where should the ‘Cancel’ button go, before, or after the ‘Save’ button?’ Below I share my rule for where I put the ‘Cancel’ button in my apps in relation to the ‘Save’ and ‘Submit’ buttons. For readers that read left to right (i.e. English readers), the …

When to use a ‘Save’ or ‘Submit’ button in your app?

As a product owner designing your web app, you will need to decide from time to time whether to use a ‘Save’ or ‘Submit’ button. At Rackless, we have some rules we follow for deciding when to use the ‘Save’ or ‘Submit’ button. To keep things simple, I generally follow the rule below: I’ve read …

Cross Browser Testing for Your Web App

Testing your web app across multiple browsers can be difficult to do locally. Not everyone has the budget for a Windows computer, Mac computer, and an Android and iOS tablet/smartphone. That doesn’t include the number of resolutions to test responsive design. As a result, you’d need hundreds and even thousands of devices to properly test …

Laravel, Rails, or Express.js: Which Framework’s Better?

We recommend Laravel over Ruby on Rails (Ruby) and Express.js (JavaScript/Node.js). We chose Laravel ourselves for our own internal software project, recently after comparing these same 3 software frameworks. In selecting Laravel, we chose to build our app using the software language PHP. PHP has the largest market share of all the web-based software languages (close to 80% of all websites use PHP). Also, Laravel is the fastest-growing software framework based on PHP making it a wise choice.