Tag Archives: Product Manager/Owner

Does ‘Cancel’ go before or after the ‘Save’ button in your app?

We received a question from a Product Owner asking ‘Where should the ‘Cancel’ button go, before, or after the ‘Save’ button?’ Below I share my rule for where I put the ‘Cancel’ button in my apps in relation to the ‘Save’ and ‘Submit’ buttons. For readers that read left to right (i.e. English readers), the …

When to use a ‘Save’ or ‘Submit’ button in your app?

As a product owner designing your web app, you will need to decide from time to time whether to use a ‘Save’ or ‘Submit’ button. At Rackless, we have some rules we follow for deciding when to use the ‘Save’ or ‘Submit’ button. To keep things simple, I generally follow the rule below: I’ve read …