Author Archives: Micky Thompson

Laravel, Rails, or Express.js: Which Framework’s Better?

We recommend Laravel over Ruby on Rails (Ruby) and Express.js (JavaScript/Node.js). We chose Laravel ourselves for our own internal software project, recently after comparing these same 3 software frameworks. In selecting Laravel, we chose to build our app using the software language PHP. PHP has the largest market share of all the web-based software languages (close to 80% of all websites use PHP). Also, Laravel is the fastest-growing software framework based on PHP making it a wise choice.

Tools We Use at Rackless

At Rackless, we have a fascination with web statistics. We often recommend to our friends and clients the saying ‘Stand on the shoulders of giants.’ What that means is that to partner with companies that have huge resources and will be in business 5-years from now. There is nothing fun about having to replace a …

Ahrefs Blogging For Business: A Lesson in Marketing

Allow me to introduce to you an online course created by Ahrefs named ‘Blogging for Business‘. Blogging for Business is an online course that teaches viewers about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Paid-Per Click (PPC) advertising. SEO and PPC are helpful tactics to use in driving more traffic to your website. The course also provides …

Ahrefs Review: Thumbs Up and Down

Recently, I reviewed Ahrefs for a client, Chris from, where I serve as his Virtual Chief Technology Officer. The goal was to see how well Ahrefs stood out against the competition. Many of the clients we advise require a competitive edge in the market when it comes to their website. Tools like Ahrefs provide …