Author Archives: Micky Thompson

Agile vs. Waterfall? Ask Basecamp!

Over the years, there have been countless debates over the advantages and disadvantages of Agile vs. Waterfall. Even within the Agile community, debates rage over whether Scrum or Kanban is superior. Jason Fried, the co-founder of Basecamp, an online project management system, didn’t miss the opportunity to add his opinion to the debate. He states …

If You Build It, Will They Come?

In building software or starting any new endeavor, you may face taunts of lunacy just like Ray faced in the movie Field of Dreams.

Jeff Bezos has shared that he uses the Regret Minimization Framework in helping him make decisions like whether to build or not to build.

Rather than focus on whether they will come, trust in knowing that if you ‘don’t’ build it, they, most definitely, won’t come.

What are the Most Popular Programming Languages?

The most popular programming languages can be broken down into 4 categories: website frontend, web-based application backend, mobile app development and embedded systems. JavaScript, HTML and CSS are the most popular website frontend programming languages. For web-based application backend, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C# and Ruby are the most popular programming languages. JavaScript, Kotlin, Java, C# and Swift are the most popular programming languages used for mobile app development. For embedded systems, popular programming languages are C, C++, Python, Java, Rust, Ada, JavaScript, B+, Go, C#, Lua, Assembly and Forth.